You're Pregnant and Thinking About Hypnobirthing

Hi, congratulations on your pregnancy and for finding hypnobirthing.

You may be feeling a little apprehensive about the birth of your baby. Maybe this is your first birth and you have heard some shocking stories from friends about their experiences. Maybe you had a previous birth that left you feeling less than satisfactory.

You will be reassured to know the knowledge and tools that you will learn through hypnobirthing will have you feeling calm, confident and prepared so you can feel excited for the birth of your baby. ​

The birth of your child is not just one day. Your experience, and how you feel about it afterwards, matters.

Hypnobirthing is for ALL births. I know this because I had three very different birth experiences, including a caesarean, forceps and a natural water birth.

Hypnobirthing made all three births really positive experiences because I had practised the techniques and had the tools to remain calm and focused. I could confidently make the decisions right for me at the time.

After your time spent with me you will feel prepared and confident to handle any twists and turns your birth may take.

Hypnobirthing will help you build a positive birth mindset and allow you to release any fears you may have around giving birth. You will become fully aware of ALL of your options and this will enable you to make informed decisions and ultimately have a positive birth experience.

​Our minds are so powerful, our bodies are absolutely incredible, and when the mind and body work together, there's nothing you can't achieve.

Who's Ellen?

I am a fully qualified hypnobirthing teacher and mum to three amazing, (not so little) babies.

Due to the profound experiences I had with hypnobirthing I made the decision to leave my job as an occupational therapist and retrain in hypnobirthing. I absolutely love delivering my hypnobirthing courses that support mamas on their pregnancy journeys and help prepare them for a calm and confident birthing experience.

What Do People Think About Ellen Gray Hypnobirthing?

Myself and my husband were keen to explore hypnobirthing after a rocky start to our pregnancy. We hoped that hypnobirthing would allow us to have a positive birthing experience after what had been an uncertain time. We were also really keen to do something together as a couple so we could share this journey. I signed up to the taster zoom session with Ellen and was hooked! Each of our sessions with Ellen was informative and most of all fun. The information she gave us was invaluable and we both now feel more informed and empowered  ready for the birth of our baby in a few weeks time. Thank you so much Ellen, you're amazing, we will treasure this experience forever.

Sian and Jonny


What is hypnobirthing?

Let's start with the name because  I know for some it can be misleading. Although it may sound a bit 'woo woo', rest assured the practise is based in evidence and science and my clients have many 'light bulb' moments throughout the course. ​

But what about the 'hypno' part?

Don't worry, hypnobirthing is nothing like stage hypnosis you may have seen on television or in a show. At no point will you be under anyone's control or quacking madly around the birth room!

The hypnosis used in hypnobirthing is self hypnosis. Which means you are ALWAYS fully in control. ​Hypnobirthing is a beautiful form of deep relaxation for your mind and body that uses specialised breathing techniques, visualisations and a range of audio MP3s. It provides you with a toolbox that you can pick and choose from during birth.

When you are in this deeply relaxed state, you can fully access your subconscious mind and root out those fears or misconceptions you may have around birth in order to build a very positive, empowering and more helpful birth mindset. This can have a huge impact on how your birth unfolds.  

Who is hypnobirthing suitable for?

Hypnobirthing is a full birth preparation course suitable for anyone who is ideally between 20 - 36 weeks pregnant. Of course you can do the course on your own depending on your situation but if you do have a birth partner then ideally you will do it together. Birth partners have a huge role to play during your labour and birth and hypnobirthing will get them fully clued up, excited and ready to be your advocate and rock during your birth. ​

Together you will learn all about the birthing process, including a full understanding of physiological birth, what helps a birth to go more smoothly and what hinders the process. You will build a sound knowledge of when interventions may be necessary and when they are not, and how to make decisions that are best for you and your baby throughout your pregnancy, labour and birth. 

​You will learn ALL of your options because it's so true that if you don't know your options then you don't have any. ​Hypnobirthing is for EVERY birth, whether you are planning a homebirth or an elective caesarean and for all births in between, the skills and knowledge you will gather will be invaluable.

Are you wondering if it will make your birth pain free?

The simple answer is no because I would never promise you that (although it certainly is possible), but what I will promise you is that your whole understanding of the pain in labour will change and this will change your experience of it.

I will also equip you with breathing and massage techniques. I will give you an understanding of how movement and positions can provide great comfort measures, as well as making your birth go more smoothly.

Such a huge part of hypnobirthing is about creating a positive and confident mindset so that you will feel like you can handle anything that comes your way. This in itself will transform your experience of labour pain. 

Get In Touch

Holmfirth HD9, UK